
The Importance of Corporate Values

Many of you who have attended my program on "The Power of a Vision … A Leader's Journey" know the importance I place on visionary leadership in today's uncertain and constantly-changing business environment. In fact, the first article on this website discusses the role of the visionary leader, the power of a Vision Statement, and the 15- minute Vision Meeting as a vehicle to get buy-in and accountability from employees for that vision.

However, what has come up for me these past six months in working with clients is the issue of corporate values. With all the news we hear today about corporate scandals, it is imperative that companies get in touch with their own corporate values. What beliefs and behaviors does your workplace value? Do those values provide a clear-cut sense of direction for your employees to follow? Your corporate vision will be a direct reflection of your corporate values. The following is the Values Statement of the Sierra Vista Regional Medical Center in San Luis, Obispo, CA; the values expressed in the Statement hold true of any industry.



We believe each person is a unique expression and therefore inherently valuable.

We focus on the care we provide to patients, treating them with dignity, respect and compassion.

We acknowledge the unique gifts and diversity of our physicians and employees and seek to integrate those talents in an atmosphere of mutual respect.

We are accountable to the organization, to our patients and to each other.


We believe innovation and change must be welcomed and nurtured in order for our organization to increase its capacity to learn and progress.

We encourage the development of a questioning mindset … new ways of thinking about everything we do.

We are committed to being flexible and continually responsive to changes in the environment.

We push on the existing boundaries and challenge ourselves to exceed our own expectations and those of others.


We believe truth and honesty guide our thoughts and our actions at all times.

We are individually responsible for what we do and say.

We build relationships based on trust.

We create an environment that promotes the open and honest exchange of ideas.


We ensure quality and cost effectiveness, which are not incompatible, but rather interdependent concepts. We expect accountability for excellence in performance and for adherence to professional and organizational standards.

We create a work environment that helps people realize their full potential.

We constantly search for productivity and process improvement consistent with our commitment to quality.

We monitor and evaluate our delivery of care, our business operations and our organizational climate to ensure they meet the needs of those we serve.


We lead with our partners to build strategic alliances in order to effectively meet our communities' and nation's healthcare needs.

We recognize that individual, institutional and societal interests are often in tension; we are committed to being an advocate for what is right, recognizing that in every case we must discern how the good of the whole can best be served.

We seek to establish mutually beneficial and accountable partnerships based on shared values.

The above Values Statement is used with permission of the Sierra Vista Regional Medical Center in San Luis, Obispo, CA and what a terrific Values Statement it is. Yours may not be as in depth, and it doesn't have to be. Sit down with the above Statement and reflect on each value in the Statement. Which ones resonate with you and the organization you work for? Get feedback from your staff and co-workers. Write a Values Statement that is reflective of YOUR organization and its most cherished values. This is the first, critical step in formulating a vision that your team will embrace and work towards. If you have a Values Statement you would like to share with me, contact me at bmintzer@barbaramintzer.com. I'd love to hear from you.

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